2024: Volume 12, Number 1

Polyoccupationalism: Multiple Occupational Identification in the Arts

Léonie Hénaut, Jennifer C. Lena, and Fabien Accominotti

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2023: Volume 11, Number 3

Arts Bachelor’s Graduates with $10,000+ in Student Loans are Less Likely to Work as Artists

Katie N. Smith and Hind F. Albana

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2023: Volume 11, Number 2

Campus Connections for Creative Careers

Nathan D. Martin, Alexandre Frenette, and Gillian Gualtieri

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2023: Volume 11, Number 1

Does creative coursework predict educational, career, and community engagement outcomes for arts alumni?

Angie L. Miller

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2022: Volume 10, Number 5

Unraveling Gender and Race Bias in Fashion Design Careers

Natalie Salvador, Ed.D. and Amelia Williams, Ed.D.

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2022: Volume 10, Number 4

How Does Skill Preparation in Higher Education and its Cost Influence Alumni’s Entrepreneurship Career Choice?

Wen Guo and David McGraw

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2022: Volume 10, Number 3

Unpacking High-Impact Practices in the Arts: Predictors of College, Career, and Community Engagement Outcomes

Angie L. Miller, Nathan Martin, and Alexandre Frenette

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2022: Volume 10, Number 2

High-Impact Educational Practices in the Arts and Post-College Community Engagement

Jihee Hwang and Junghwan Kim

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2022: Volume 10, Number 1

Socioeconomic & Racial/Ethnic Exclusion in the Arts

Amy Whitaker and Gregory Wolniak

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2021: Volume 9, Number 2

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Needed Skills of Arts Graduates

Dr. Rachel Skaggs, Lawrence and Isabel Barnett, Erin J. Hoppe and Molly Jo Burke

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2021: Volume 9, Number 1

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Needed Resources of Arts Graduates

Dr. Rachel Skaggs, Lawrence and Isabel Barnett, Molly Jo Burke and Erin Hoppe

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2020: Volume 8, Number 2

The Internship Divide, Revisited

Alexandre Frenette

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2020: Volume 8, Number 1

Which Skills Do Founders and Freelancers Need? Unpacking the Entrepreneurial Skills Gap

Alexandre Frenette

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2019: Volume 7, Number 4

In Their Own Words: What Institutions Can Do Better

Alexandre Frenette

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2019: Volume 7, Number 3

In Their Own Words: What Institutions Do Well

Alexandre Frenette

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2019: Volume 7, Number 2

Arts Graduates "Oscillate Wildly" Between Disciplines

Alexandre Frenette, Nathan Martin, and Steven Tepper

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2019: Volume 7, Number 1

"Who Stays and Who Goes"?

Alexandre Frenette

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2018: Volume 6, Number 4

Arts Graduates in a Changing Economy (Part 4 of 4)

Alexandre Frenette, Danielle J. Lindemann, Steven J. Tepper, and Heather Laine Talley

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2018: Volume 6, Number 3

Arts Graduates in a Changing Economy (Part 3)

Alexandre Frenette, Kate Oakley, Daniel Laurison, Dave O’Brien, Sam Friedman

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2018: Volume 6, Number 2

Arts Graduates in a Changing Economy (Part 2)

Nathan D. Martin and Alexandre Frenette

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2018: Volume 6, Number 1

Arts Graduates in a Changing Economy (Part 1)

Alexandre Frenette, Alison Gerber, and Clayton Childress

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2017: Volume 5, Number 4

What Do We Know About Graduates of Arts Administration Programs? (Part 2)

Sally Gaskill

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2017: Volume 5, Number 3

What Do We Know About Graduates of Arts Administration Programs? (Part 1)

Sally Gaskill

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2017: Volume 5, Number 2

Spotlight on What Resources Do Artists Need?

2016 SNAAP Annual Report

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2017: Volume 5, Number 1

Spotlight on How Connected Are Arts Alumni to Their Degree-Granting Institutions?

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2016: Volume 4, Number 4

Spotlight on Gendered Income Inequality in the Arts

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2016: Volume 4, Number 3

Spotlight on 3 Million Stories and Counting

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2016: Volume 4, Number 2

Spotlight on Arts High School Alumni

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2016: Volume 4, Number 1

Spotlight on First-Generation Artists Part 2

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2015: Volume 3, Number 8

Spotlight on First-Generation Artists Part 1

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2015: Volume 3, Number 7

Spotlight on Job Satisfaction of Freelancers versus Traditional Employees

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2015: Volume 3, Number 6

Spotlight on the Internship Divide for Recent Graduates

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2015: Volume 3, Number 5

Spotlight On Entrepreneurial Skills Part 2

Frennette, Alexandre.

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2015: Volume 3, Number 4

Spotlight on Entrepreneurial Skills Part 1

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2015: Volume 3, Number 2

Spotlight on Contrasting Research on Arts Graduates

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2015: Volume 3, Number 1

Spotlight on Internships

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2014: Volume 2, Number 10

Spotlight on Recent Graduates

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2014: Volume 2, Number 9

Spotlight on The SnaapShot

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2014: Volume 2, Number 8

Spotlight on Using a SNAAP Data Report to Answer Questions about Arts Alumni

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2014: Volume 2, Number 7

Spotlight on Graduation

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2014: Volume 2, Number 6

Spotlight on Lifelong Engagement in the Arts and Wellbeing

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2014: Volume 2, Number 5

Spotlight on Graduation

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2014: Volume 2, Number 4

Spotlight on Study Abroad

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2014: Volume 2, Number 3

Who's Involved? Spotlight on Co-Curricular Activities

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2014: Volume 2, Number 2

Who's Involved? Spotlight on Community Service

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2014: Volume 2, Number 1

Spotlight on the Impact of Artists in the Family

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2013: Volume 1, Number 10

Spotlight on Sense of Belonging and Attachment at School

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2013: Volume 1, Number 9

Spotlight on Time to Degree Completion

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2013: Volume 1, Number 8

Spotlight on Geography

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2013: Volume 1, Number 7

Spotlight on "Uneven" Artistic Careers

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2013: Volume 1, Number 6

Arts Training: Who's Satisfied?

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2013: Volume 1, Number 5

Spotlight on Difference by Major

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2013: Volume 1, Number 4

Spotlight on Lifelong Involvement in the Arts

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2013: Volume 1, Number 3

Arts Alumni and School Type

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2013: Volume 1, Number 2

Multiple Job-Holding by Arts Graduates

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2013: Volume 1, Number 1

Arts Degrees Valued in New Light

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