For the Field
SNAAP provides value to educators, policy makers and funders through publications, events, and more.
SNAAP was founded almost 20 years ago in response to the need for clear and reliable data as it was articulated by arts training institutions at that time. As the circumstances for higher education and the artistic and creative fields have been dramatically impacted over the last several years and continue to adapt and push forward for more change, SNAAP has been embarking on a process to refresh and take even deeper stock of the information and data needs of post-secondary institutions providing training in arts, design, arts administration and related creative fields.
In fall 2021, as part of these efforts, SNAAP set out to garner insights on pressing information needs within post-secondary arts and design fields as they relate to understanding and improving the careers and lives of graduates of related degree programs through a series of focus group conversations and interviews with faculty and administrators. The insights garnered through this process are presented in this report, Data, Pressing Needs, and Biggest Challenges: Insights from the Field.
Information Needs

The SNAAP DataBrief provides topical findings useful to arts leaders in higher education and beyond.
2024: Volume 12, Number 1
Polyoccupationalism: Multiple Occupational Identification in the Arts
Léonie Hénaut, Jennifer C. Lena, and Fabien Accominotti

2023: Volume 11, Number 2
Campus Connections for Creative Careers
Nathan D. Martin, Alexandre Frenette, and Gillian Gualtieri

2023: Volume 11, Number 3
Arts Bachelor’s Graduates with $10,000+ in Student Loans are Less Likely to Work as Artists
Katie N. Smith and Hind F. Albana

2023: Volume 11, Number 1
Does creative coursework predict educational, career, and community engagement outcomes for arts alumni?
Angie L. Miller

SNAAP publishes annual findings based on the results of the SNAAP surveys as well as special reports.
Special Report 2024
Arts and Design Alumni Employment and Perspectives on Their Work and Careers
Dr. Jennifer L. Novak-Leonard University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Special Report 2024
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Arts and Design Alumni
Dr. Rachel Skaggs, Dr. Jennifer L. Novak-Leonard & Dr. Jeff Barbee

Special Report 2024
2022 SNAAP Technical Report
Dr. Jennifer L. Novak-Leonard; Deanna Ibrahim; Lee Ann Scotto Adams; Dr. Angie L. Miller; Dr. Rachel Skaggs; Dr. Shanita Bigelow

Special Report 2024
Reflections: Alumni Perspectives on their Postsecondary Experiences in Arts and Design
Dr. Jennifer L. Novak-Leonard & Dr. Shanita Bigelow University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The 2021 SNAAP Research Symposium, Learning from Arts Alumni: Supporting Careers and Addressing Inequities, took place on October 20 – 22.
The second 3 Million Stories conference took place March 3 – 5, 2016 in Tempe, AZ.
The first SNAAP conference (March 2013) brought together arts educators, policy makers and funders to investigate the arts school of the 21st century: “3 Million Stories: Understanding the Lives and Career of America’s Arts Graduates.”
SNAAP also offers workshops to institutions to assist them in using their data.
Data Sharing
The extensive, one-of-a-kind SNAAP database (housing survey data from 2008 — 2017) is available to qualified researchers on request. Under participation agreements with SNAAP institutions, data that identifies individual institutions or individuals cannot be shared. A fee may be requested to offset the time that SNAAP analysts will need to strip the data of any identifying information and prepare the data for transmittal. Please contact for more information.
SNAAP is committed to enabling an array of scholarship and research about art and design graduates and will share details in 2023 about ways to access data From the 2022 survey.